What are our evidence summaries all about, and how do we produce them?
Our 'What’s the Evidence?' summaries are an ongoing series of reports designed to summarise what is known on specific questions relating to childhood disability. These reports are a synthesis of existing research and are not new studies that we have carried out.
How we produce our evidence summaries
Want to know more about how our evidence summaries are produced? Overview of how our summaries are produced
You can explore our evidence summaries either by condition, through the A to Z list of therapies, or by searching using the search box at the top of the page.
Indexed conditions
- Applied Behavioural Analysis for ASD
- Auditory Integration Training and Tomatis for behavioural disorders
- Improving social skills of young adults with autism
- Maternal thyroid and ADHD/ASD
- Probiotics for ASD
- Seizures and ASD
- Sensory integration for ASD
- Yoked prisms lenses for neurodisability
- Colourful Semantics
- Advanced Biomechanical Rehabilitation for CP and/or LD
- Anat Baniel and Feldenkrais for CP
- Lycra orthoses for movement impairments
- Massage for CP
- Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) for CP
- Hyperbaric Oxygen for CP
- Yoked prisms lenses for neurodisability
- Stem cell trials for CP
- Conductive education for neurodisability
- G Therapy for cerebral palsy
- FES to improve gait in children with cerebral palsy
- Selective Percutaneous Myofascial Lengthening
- Advanced Biomechanical Rehabilitation for CP and/or LD
- Auditory Integration Training and Tomatis for behavioural disorders
- Dentistry and LD and challenging behaviour
- Psychotherapy and the Frankish model
- Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy for children and young people with autism and/or learning disabilities
- Speech therapy for verbal dyspraxia and LD
- Advanced Biomechanical Rehabilitation for CP and/or LD
- Auditory Integration Training and Tomatis for behavioural disorders
- Brainwave and Footsteps for neurological and/or developmental conditions
- Computer games for motor impairments
- Family Hope Center
- Invasive medical procedures
- Yoked prisms lenses for neurodisability
- Makaton for neurodisability
- Conductive education for neurodisability
- Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy for neurodisability
- Meditouch and HandTutor for movement impairments
- Speech and Language therapy: individual vs group
- Lycra orthoses for movement impairments
- Right sided hemianopia
- Scotson technique for neurodisability
- Equine assisted therapy for neurodisability
- Speech therapy for verbal dyspraxia and LD
- Snowdrop for Brain Injured Children
Indexed therapies (A-Z)
- Advanced Biomechanical Rehabilitation for CP and/or LD
- Anat Baniel and Feldenkrais for CP
- Applied Behavioural Analysis for ASD
- Artificial food colouring and additive elimination for ADHD
- Aspartame elimination for ADHD
- Auditory Integration Training and Tomatis for behavioural disorders
- Brain surgery to reduce seizures in children with Sturge-Weber Syndrome
- Brainwave and Footsteps for neurological and/or developmental conditions
- Equine assisted therapy for neurodisability
- Family Hope Center
- Footsteps and Brainwave for neurological and/or developmental conditions
- Feldenkrais and Anat Baniel for CP
- FES to improve gait in children with cerebral palsy
- G Therapy for cerebral palsy
- HandTutor and Meditouch for movement impairments
- Hyperbaric Oxygen for CP
- Psychotherapy and the Frankish model
- Improving social skills of young adults with autism
- Invasive medical procedures
- Lycra orthoses for movement impairments
- Makaton for neurodisability
- Massage for CP
- Medications following seizures in Sturge-Weber Syndrome
- Meditouch and HandTutor for movement impairments
- Noise generators for hyperacusis
- Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy for neurodisability
- Omega 3 supplements for ADHD
- Omega Supplements and Dyspraxia
- Probiotics for ASD
- Psychotherapy and the Frankish model
- Rehabilitation for locked-in syndrome
- Right Sided Hemianopia
- Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy for children and young people with autism and/or learning disabilities
- Scotson technique for neurodisability
- Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) for CP
- Selective Percutaneous Myofascial Lengthening
- Sensory integration for ASD
- Snowdrop for Brain Injured Children
- Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy for children and young people with autism and/or learning disabilities
- Speech therapy for verbal dyspraxia and LD
- Speech and Language therapy: individual vs group
- Stem cell trials for CP
- Tomatis and Auditory Integration Training for behavioural disorders
- Yoked prisms lenses for neurodisability
Other questions we have been asked
- Military families
- Health problems in carers of children with neurodisability
- Seizures and ASD
- Maternal thyroid and ADHD/ASD
- Siblings with neurodisability
Please note: the views expressed here are those of the Peninsula Cerebra Research Unit and do not represent the views of the Cerebra charity, or any other parties mentioned. We strongly recommend seeking medical advice before undertaking any treatments/therapies not prescribed within the NHS.